Exercise Warm Up With Whole Body Vibration Machines
“It was hypothesized that there would be a significant increase in vertical jump height following warming up on the VibePiate versus the other warm-up modalities. This hypothesis was supported in regard to the 15 and 20 minute time points. Vertical jump height was significantly higher following exposure to WBV versus the other warm up modalities with the exception of the immediate time point, at which there were no significant differences between WBV and the treadmill. This suggests that for an athlete competing in any type of sport that would require explosive vertical jumps, warming up with WBV would be most beneficial. This is especially true for non-starter athletes who may sit on a bench for extended periods of time before playing.”
McKee, “Acute Effects of Whole Body Vibration and Vertical Jump Height.”
“Based on the findings of this study, it is reasonable to conclude that VbX alone may be used as an alternative warm-up modality for maximal sprint performance over 40 m and multiple sprint performances over 40 m.”
Moddie et al., “Efficacy of Vibration Exercise as a Warm-up Modality for Overground Sprinting.”