Whole Body Vibration Helps With Bone Density
“A direct positive effect of WBV on calcium metabolism and bone mineral density (BMD) has been clearly demonstrated. Rubin et al. carried on a RCT comparing the effects of low intensity vibration (LIV) (10 minutes twice a day) with those of an inactive placebo plate in a group of postmenopausal women. A decrease of 2% BMD was observed in the control group, whereas a 2.17% relative BMD increase was reported in the study group.”
Cerciello et al., “Clinical Applications of Vibration Therapy in Orthopaedic Practice.”
“In conclusion, the current work found a resistive vibration exercise countermeasure impeded loss of bone and muscle during 8 weeks of bed rest.”
“This study found that 6 months of high-frequency and high-magnitude WBV yielded significant benefits to the BMD of the lumbar spine in postmenopausal women, and could therefore be provided as an alternative exercise.”
“The results indicate graded whole-body vibration exposure may be effective in improving BMD by increasing bone deposition while also decreasing bone resorption. Whole-body vibration may also provide an efficient stratagem for young women to achieve peak bone mass and help stave off osteoporosis later in life and provide a novel form of physical training.”