How Whole Body Vibration Plate Machines Help With High Blood Pressure
“Whole Body Vibration substantially improves exercise capacity, physical performance, and Health-Related Quality of Life in patients with Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension who are on stable targeted therapy. This methodology may be utilised in structured training programmes, and may be feasible for continuous long-term physical exercise in these patients.”
“Arturo Figueroa, M.D., PhD, an associate professor at Florida State University, published the finding in the most recent issue of Journal of Human Hypertension that suggests the machines could reduce the chances of stroke and heart attack. Vibration also improves oxygenation to the body’s tissue and boosts blood flow. In 2011, vibration exercises were shown by Figueroa and his team to decrease arterial stiffness that can lead to “hardening of the arteries” that is atherosclerosis.Women in the newest study either had high blood pressure or what is known as “prehypertension” – blood pressure that is higher than normal but has not yet reached parameters requiring treatment. When blood pressure increases more strain is put on the heart. Lack of elasticity in the blood vessels obstructs blood flow and can lead to clot formation and stroke from high blood pressure. If you’re looking for a natural way to lower your blood pressure check out your local gym or consider purchasing a vibration plate exercise machine.”
“Vibration Exercises: A New and Natural Way to Lower Your Blood Pressure | EmaxHealth.”